Fun fact – If you’re using actual email addresses on your web projects, then you will fall victim to those pesky email harvesters.
That’s just a fact of the modern web.
However, there are various steps you can take to cloak, or ‘ofuscate,’ those emails. Here’s my JavaScript-based solution that converts a written out email address, such as your [at] mom [dot] com
, to an actual email address.
The JavaScript
* Email Cloaker
* Converts a written out email address to an actual email address.
* @author Stephen Scaff
var EmailCloaker = (function() {
// Our Selector
var cloakedEmails = document.querySelectorAll('.js-cloak');
* ForEach Utility
* @author Todd Motto
* @see
var forEach = function (array, callback, scope) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {, i, array[i]); // passes back stuff we need
* Init
init: function(){
* Replacers
* Replaces ats and dots and builds an actual email address
replacers: function(){
forEach(cloakedEmails, function (index, cloakedEmail) {
var finalEmail, i, ats, dots, moreDots;
ats = [ ' at ', ' (at) ', ' [at] ' ];
dots = [ ' dot ', ' (dot) ', ' [dot] ' ];
finalEmail = cloakedEmail.innerHTML;
// Replace Ats
for ( i = 0; i < ats.length; i++ ) {
finalEmail = finalEmail.replace(ats[i], '@');
// replace Dots
for ( i = 0; i < dots.length; i++ ) {
finalEmail = finalEmail.replace(dots[i], '.');
moreDots = [];
moreDots = finalEmail.split(dots[i]);
// Got more dots?
for ( var j = 1; j < moreDots.length; j++ ) {
finalEmail = finalEmail.replace(dots[i], '.');
cloakedEmail.innerHTML = finalEmail;
Any of the following will convert to actual emails:
your (at) mom (dot) com
your [at] mom [dot] com
your (at) mom [dot] com
See the Pen Email Cloaker by Stephen Scaff (@StephenScaff) on CodePen.